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Living with PCOS: Know Everything on It

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, commonly known as PCOS, is one of the most widespread endocrine pathologies for females of childbearing age. It shows the consequence of interference with normal ovarian functions: disturbances in menstrual cycle regularity, infertility, and physical or emotional changes in women. Living with PCOS can mean misery, though so much hope in treating effectively the symptoms and overcoming other troubles created by this disease does exist.

What is PCOS?

PCOS is a condition arising because of an imbalance in reproductive hormones. In this condition, the particular women usually have higher than normal levels of androgens that inhibit the development and release of eggs from ovaries. This may develop into haphazard periods or none at all, and cysts may form on ovaries, which generally are small, fluid-filled sacs.

Though the exact cause of PCOS is not known, it also involves contributions from genetics and lifestyle factors.

Symptoms of PCOS

The symptoms of PCOS may vary from one woman to another and can come on quite gradually over some time. Some common symptoms include:

Complications of PCOS

The health complications due to the condition may include some if left untreated or mismanaged. These are:
Management of PCOS
Though PCOS does not have a complete cure, the alleviation of symptoms and prevention of complications can be ensured through various modes. The following is the listing of some of the life changes and treatments that could be helpful:

Living with PCOS might be cumbersome, but it is manageable with the appropriate approach: understanding the condition, modification of life, and seeking medical advice. This shall place you at the centre of managing your symptoms and reducing the risks of complications associated with it in the future.

Above all, however, is the need for regular follow-up visits with your health professional; this is basically because adjusting management can make your life healthy and fulfilling amidst the challenges brought about by PCOS.