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Benefits of Breastfeeding for Mother & Baby

There are many positive impacts of breastfeeding on both mothers and babies, which cut across physical, emotional, and economic dimensions. The causes why a woman should breastfeed often revolve around discussing the child; however, benefits for the mother have more lasting advantages. Let’s expound on the most impactful benefits enjoyed by both parties, seeking fresh and current insight.

For instance, colostrum is produced during the first few days after birth which contains highly concentrated proteins and antibodies for building the immune system of the newborn. The milk, whilst still being expressed continues to become more fattier and calorie-laden in time as it acquires the nutrients necessary to support the baby’s increasing-energy demands.

Several experiments have proven that children who receive breast milk experience a much-reduced rate of infections, such as respiratory infections, gastrointestinal diseases, and ear infections.

Advantages even spill over into adulthood as breastfeeding may minimize risks of heart disease and other cancers.

Being DHA, the vital fatty acid that is present in milk is supposed to be given for the development of the brain, feeding therefore, becomes an integral part of nurturing a child’s growth towards the cognitive function of a human being.

In addition to all this, breastfeeding allows mothers to regain their pre-pregnancy weight much faster since breastfeeding itself burns extra calories.

It also makes mothers regain their pre-pregnancy weight much faster because breastfeeding itself burns extra calories.

This hormone oxytocin tends to reduce stress and anxiety, and therefore these mothers may tend to feel more calm and attached to their babies. Mothers who nurse may be less susceptible to cases of depression postpartum; this is because the emotional results are related to nursing.

This also applies to the nighttime feedings, which are much quicker and less disturbing for both mother and baby. Moreover, there is no expenditure for the type of formula or feeding supplies since breastfeeding is economically viable.

Breastfeeding is a wonderful process and helps nurture a mother, as much as the baby, in all aspects of life. From providing full nutrition to the baby, boosting his immune system, development and cognitive functions, and creating emotional bonding between a mother and a child, breastfeeding indeed plays such a powerful role in nurturing.

It ensures low risks of cancer for mothers; it helps them to have easy and rapid recovery after the delivery, and it is also assured to promote emotional well-being. Whether for short-term convenience or long-term health, breastfeeding is one of the most important choices a mother can make for herself as much as for her baby.For more details contact us.